World Welfare Mission

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TTC Yoga Online/Offline

Helpline/Whatsapp: +91 8802020915, 9350064643

  • TTC 100 Hours.
  • TTC 200 Hours.
  • TTC 300 Hours.
  • TTC 500 Hours.

200 Hours Basic Teachers’ Training Certification (TTC) is a basic training course which prepares/certifies students for teaching Yogic Techniques to normal healthy adults and school children. It covers the theoretical and practical aspects of Yoga. The syllabus consists of an introduction to the history and background of Yoga and Yoga practices, Asanas, Pranayamas, Kriyas, Meditation with their related benefits, limitations and contraindications, methodology and lesson planning, public speaking, diet and yoga hygiene, essential of Anatomy and Physiology, communication and teaching skills. Study of selected Yoga Sutras and Introduction to Hatha Yoga is also a part of the curriculum. Apart from the above we also teach the students some unique techniques and concepts that are pioneered by the founder of our Mission.